December 10, 2007

I will use this page to post FREE images for everyone to take. Yippee!
Create away, folks!

Just click on each pic to open fully in another window. Then right click and save to your computer. At the bottom of this page is a little list of places to buy large collections of images on disc if you are so inclined.

St. Patrick's Day images!
Shamrock Lad

Oh the Shamrock!

Sweet Irish Lass

Easter Images!!!
Morning Stroll

Easter Morning Delivery

Why, Hello There!


Valentine Images!!!
Little Cupid

It's Raining Love

Deco Valentine

Shall We Dance?

Me My Pardner

Cupid's Cart

Chenille Angel's face

Chenille Clown's face

Chenille Angel's love note

There are MANY fine sellers of vintage image cds on the web. Here are a few with great collections.

September 25, 2007

You can find my work in my ETSY SHOP or in person at WILLOWS on Cable Car Square in downtown Dubuque, Iowa

I like mail. Just drop me a line...
I would love to hear your comments or questions!

Thanks for your interest!

July 23, 2007

About Me

Welcome to Twinkle Hill Studio!

My name is Jennifer Less and I live in Iowa with my husband Mark, our 2 boys and the pup. My sweet boys are Wyatt -10 and Colten -6. Our fabulous dog, Buford T. Copper, is a large English Springer Spaniel who is a dark shade of chocolate & white.

I have been creating as long as I can remember. I concentrate on my passions for decorating, crafting folk art and collecting all things primitive and vintage!

My work has been published in Country Marketplace, CardMaker and Create & Decorate magazines.

I work in many mediums- sewing, papier mache, painting, wood, jewelry, paper crafts & altered art. I enjoy combining areas and just love the challenge of coming up with exciting new ideas, and incorporating them with the old favorites. You just never know what trinkets and baubles I might come up with!

To my childrens' delight, we decorate the house up for nearly everything at our place. So it's a good bet that you will find many *Holiday* decorations in my listings! I especially love making ornaments and dolls. Some of my offerings are either limited editions or a *one of a kind* piece, with no pattern used. Sometimes, these things become so special to me, that it is hard to let them go! I take solace in knowing that a collector will give them a loving home. Hopefully you will find something I've made to be special as well. Each and every art item I offer is hand made, and always signed and dated - so you can be assured you are receiving an original, collectible piece of folk art.

I TRULY appreciate all your support and encouragement as I fulfill my dreams of bringing my original artwork to you! I thank you for stopping by to learn about me.

PLEASE feel free to contact me with questions, ideas, comments...just anything! I would love to hear from you :)

July 18, 2007

Published Projects

**** I had the cutest little Wish Fairy Box appear in the June 2008 issue of Create & Decorate Magazine. I just loved this whimsical altered/mixed media piece.

**** I had 3 St.Patrick's Day and also 3 Easter tags appear in a Spring issue of CardMaker magazine. Following are pictures of each of the 3 tags and then the magazine pages featuring those designs. I was very excited to have 6 projects in one issue! Thanks, CardMaker!

First the page with the 3 St. Patrick's Day tags

and a scan of the Easter tags page

**** In the February 2008 issue of Create & Decorate, nine of my Valentine designs were featured as a vignette. I was very honored and pleased. How nice to have 9 projects featured! Thanks, Create & Decorate! Some paper art tags, a fabric covered cone and Victorian vintage scrap face ornaments were all included.
A scan of the project vignette.

Here they are separately:

**** In Summer of 2007, 3 of my paper art designs were in CardMaker Magazine. I did some Patriotic things for them, and these 3 designs were chosen.

Here they are in the pages of the magazine-

And as a delicious surprise, one of them even made the cover! It was a big shock...they never tell you anything in advance. But this really made my day!

**** My very first published project was this papier mache pineapple spindle that appeared in Country Marketplace~ April 2006.

I had designed the piece originally as part of an "All things Pineapple" swap I was in over at one of my Primitive/Artsy forums. The base was different woody pieces I glued and screwed together with hubby's help. A candleholder, a wheel, a tire, a knob.

Here is the pineapple spindle when it was still at my house.

I do miss this piece. They purchased it and I never did go back and make myself another one.

Stay tuned for heads-ups on other upcoming projects that will appear in print.
Thanks for your continuing support!